• Sessions are held online using Google Meet as the platform. A link for the meeting will be sent through email prior to the session.

  • Sessions are between 50-60 minutes. If you are late to a session, the end time for the session will be 50- 60 minutes from the time the session was meant to begin.

  • $115 USD

  • Payment can be sent by:

    Venmo, Zelle, bank transfer or wire

  • I prefer 24 hours’ notice to accommodate the waitlist (this benefits everyone).

    If you miss an appointment without notice, or cancel a session with less than 24 hours of notice, you will be charged the full fee for that session.

  • During the sessions I will do one or more of the following:

    *listen to your concerns and allow you to express your feelings

    *help you to identify your strengths and resources

    *help you to identify the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, or circumstances that are interfering with you meeting your goals

    *help you to set goals and develop concrete action plans for managing or overcoming the obstacles to your well-being

    *use a specific intervention that is appropriate to your goals

    *provide relevant information, verbally, or in handout form

    *conduct formal and informal assessments to measure your progress and enhance motivation

    *suggest some reading or writing assignment to help you gain insight into your concern

    *give a homework assignment to be completed between therapy sessions.

  • Depending upon the particular issue, most clients see me either weekly or bi-weekly for at least 6 sessions.

    After goals have been met, some clients like to arrange monthly check-ins. Some clients attend counseling even when they aren't facing any particular challenge, because it offers them a safe place to talk.

  • You have the right to ask questions about my treatment methods so you can make informed decisions about what methods are most suitable for you. You have the right to stop therapy if something about it is not working for you. If this should happen, I would appreciate your feedback about what is not working for you. I may be able to suggest alternate resources. You have the right to ask for a referral if that would be in your best interests.

  • What you disclose during the therapy sessions is kept in strict confidence. Digital files and electronic client data are kept in secure password safe locations. There are, however, limitations to the full extent that emails and electronic mediums can be completely confidential, and clients are advised to be aware of this when using these means of communication.

    If you and I determine that it would be helpful for me to share information about your therapy with someone else (e.g., your physician), then I will ask you to sign a form that gives me permission to release and/or request information.

  • • If you threaten to harm or kill yourself or someone else and I believe your threat to be serious, I am ethically bound to warn your family or the person you have threatened.

    • According to the Child Welfare Act, I am ethically and legally bound to report to the appropriate authorities any abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or neglect) of a child currently under the age of 18 years. This law is designed to protect children from harm, and requires that all persons report confirmed or suspected cases of child abuse to the proper authorities.

    • If you are involved in litigation of any kind and you inform the Court that you are in therapy, you may be waiving your right to keep your records confidential. If the Court subpoenas my files, or me, I am obligated to appear and to answer questions.

    Communication between a client and a therapist is not considered privileged communication. If you disclose to me that you have done something illegal, I am not legally obligated to report this unless it involves child abuse or direct threat to an individual.

  • In starting therapy, you begin a goal-focused process that has a beginning, middle, and end. It is recommended that stopping therapy be planned for and discussed with the therapist.